Simple steps to prepare the chocolate biscuit

Many women’s were interested in preparing the snacks variety snacks in the home which is more healthy and you can also prepare the biscuit for the party or in any special occasion. The steps to prepare the easy biscuit recipe and you can make the chocolate biscuit cake which is the non-bake cake type biscuit recipe using certain ingredients such as:

  • egg
  • butter
  • dark chocolate
  • sugar
  • unsalted butter
  • chocolate milk

The procedure to prepare the chocolate biscuit cake is: you have to take any shape material which must be prefect to the cake shape and add the butter in the spring form in the round pan and place it aside. In large bow you have to add the biscuit in the crumbled type into small size and make the crumble biscuit as need for the cake and keep aside. In one small bow you have to add the butter and sugar and mix it well completely and make the mixture by mixing well until it gets light lemon color and let the butter to room temperature or heat the butter slightly to get mix with the sugar. In separate pan you have to make the chocolate get melts by heating but only half chocolates should get melt. Don’t let the chocolate to get burn and remove the chocolate piece from the pan which is not melted which can be used in the cake later. After the heat reduced in the melted chocolate then you have to add the mixture of sugar and butter into the melted chocolate and mix it well.


After mixing it well then you have added the egg in the mixture and continue the mixing add the biscuit pieces and mix it well in the mixture.  You must fold the biscuit pieces in the mixture and get coated completely with the chocolate and adds the mixture in the cake ring. While adding you has to prevent the gap in the bottom of the cake ring so you have to press the mixture down to the bottom using the plastic gloves because by pressing the mixture it gets smoother and even in the surface. After the process of smoothing and making it even then you have to refrigerate the pan more than 3 hours because the4 chili of the cake makes it smooth and thick. Remove the cake from the refrigerator and also in the ring pan and the cake gets chilled then it is good enough to transfer to the cooling rack. And use the un melted chocolate to get melt and apply over the cake and make it smooth around the cake and let it to room temperature use the me3lted chocolate to drizzle over the cake and make the final decorative touch and finally the chocolate biscuit cake is prepared. The chocolate biscuit gives delicious taste with the creamy and crunchy type where children like this recipe most which is both biscuit as well as cake type.


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